Dec 162017
CD-M PRO v1.1 - Shareware Librarian/File Manager for CD-ROM Collections. Now supports multi-CD players. Keep track of/easily access CD-ROM file libraries with this program; Find, view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, text files), copy, una

Full Description of File

CD-ROM PRO v1.1 - Shareware Librarian/File
Manager for CD-ROM Collections. Now supports
multi-CD players! Keep track of/easily access
CD-ROM file libraries with this program; Find,
view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, text files), copy,
unarchive files, more! View/read files within
archives! Great reporting features; Create or
convert FILES.BBS/DIRx (single or multi-line
file descriptions supported); Floppy or file
list dupe checker; and much, much more!

File CDPRO.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
CD-M PRO v1.1 – Shareware Librarian/File Manager for CD-ROM Collections. Now supports multi-CD players. Keep track of/easily access CD-ROM file libraries with this program; Find, view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, text files), copy, una
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CDP.EXE 518590 212830 deflated
CDPRO11.DOC 16001 5390 deflated
CD_PRO.HLP 25670 7135 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 453 307 deflated
PROCONF.DAT 723 267 deflated
PROFORM.DAT 590 268 deflated
PROFORM.K01 1024 141 deflated
SAMPLE.CNF 2573 590 deflated

Download File CDPRO.ZIP Here

Contents of the CDPRO11.DOC file

Librarian/File Manager for CD-ROM Collections

Version 1.1

All Rights Reserved
(c) 1993 Vince Sorensen

If you have been using Version 1.00, ensure that you download CDPRO11C.ARJ
and use the CONVMULT.BAT file enclosed to convert your files.

This program was written originally to keep track of what programs were on
what CD-ROM, and to eliminate duplicate files on floppy. It allows the user to
quickly find and view/run/copy any file on any CD-ROM, as well as reporting
on duplication and/or unique files between CDs, whether in the user's
collection or not. Text file format conversion is also supported, with
the ability to fill in information found on the actual CD if it was not
included in the text files originally.

Registration Fee: $15 or more will be rewarded with support and BBS membership,
but any donation is appreciated! Upgrades are free (excludes
Author Address: Vince Sorensen BBS Info:
6 Armstrong Bay Superboard 1:140/121
Regina, Sk., Canada (306)789-8682
S4N 4G7 14400 v.32/v.42bis

This program has been beta tested under 4DOS, MS-DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1,
Stacker 3.0, and SMARTDRV 5.0. If you encounter any problems, please
contact the author on the aforementioned BBS, so that they can be
fixed. Thanks!

Note: Pressing F1 gives context sensitive help wherever available.

Quick Set-Up

You should have a copy of CD_PRO.EXE and CD_PRO.HLP somewhere in your
path. The databases will be built in the current directory.

To run this program:

(1) You need text files containing the file listings for your CD-ROMs.
(2) Configure CD-ROM PRO File Manager to reflect your equipment
set-up, and use the "Format File Listings" option to enter the
format of the text files you will be importing (if not already
set up - some, such as PCBoard, already are). This means
checking the text files in (1) above, and noting the column
that the file name, date, size, and description information
begins in, and their length (in the case of the date, its format).
If a field is missing, set its column to zero. You can fill in
the date and size information later with the "Correct Date and
Size" function.
(3) If you will be importing a large number of text files, it is
recommended that you set up a file called "IMPORT.CNF" that
contains information on what CD and directory will be
imported, and which text file will contain the file names, etc.,
for that directory. The format of IMPORT.CNF is explained when
you select the "Import File Listings - IMPORT.CNF" feature on
page one of the Utilities. If you are still unsure of how to use
the IMPORT.CNF, or are only importing a small number of
directories, simply use the "Import File Listings - Interactive"
feature, on the same page.
(4) Use one of the "Import File Listings" features to import the
information you require. This program will automatically detect
if one-line or multiple-line descriptions are being entered
(PCBoard or LongLine Formats Only).

** ADVANCED USERS** If you are already sure of the format,
you can press CTRL-I from the main menu to skip right to the
IMPORT.CNF importing without wading though the menus and
having to confirm that you want to go ahead.

About File Listing Formats and Exporting File Listings:

Using the Recreate File Listing option (also know as Create Listing of
Files in a Directory) allows you to generate a formatted DOS file or
printout of the list of files in a directory (not surprisingly!).
All FILES.BBS file listings that are created using the "Re-Create/Print
File Listings" option will use one-line descriptions, unless a "~", "|"
is contained within the format name or one of the proprietary formats
(described below - see "Format Conventions") is used.

Converting from a DOS file listing in one format to another will only
convert the first line of each description, regardless of what multi-line
options (as described below) are selected.

Format Conventions:

If the format title contains a "~" character, it indicates that the
format is multi-line. The "~" should be followed by the number of lines
of description allowed per file.

MAXFMT~2 will output 2 line descriptions for each file.

If the format title contains a "|" character, it indicates that the
description should be preceded by a "|". Note that the description
is still placed at the position indicated in the format configuration.
The "|" is placed two spaces before the description.

If both "|" and "~" are in the format title, the "|" is always placed
before the 2nd and following lines, but only before the 1st line if
the "|" precedes the "~".

Taking the format "WILD" and simply changing the format name
has the following results:

If WILD outputs: FILENAME.ZIP 91810 01-01-93 Description

then WILD| outputs: FILENAME.ZIP 91810 01-01-93| Description

and WILD|~2 outputs: FILENAME.ZIP 91810 01-01-93| Description
| Description Line 2

and WILD~2| outputs: FILENAME.ZIP 91810 01-01-93 Description
| Description Line 2

and WILD~2 outputs: FILENAME.ZIP 91810 01-01-93 Description
Description Line 2

Also note that if there are not two spaces between the description and
the previous field, and "|" is used, the previous field will be over-written.

Special Case (Proprietary Formats): If either the "PCBOARD" or
"WILDCAT_2" file listing formats have been specified, special
logic comes in to play to ensure the resulting FILES.BBS looks
more like the proprietary formats used by these boards.


ARJ230.EXE 200363 02-07-92 This is what you'll use to extract files
| that end in the ARJ extension. Its self-
| extracting, so just type in ARJ230, and
| then use the ARJ.EXE that comes out to
| extract other files!

ARJ230.EXE 200,363 02/07/92 | This is what you'll use to extract files
DwnLds: 3 DL Time 00:17:23 | that end in the ARJ extension.

Program Parameters:

If you wish, you can specify the path to the databases when you
start the program. For example,


would look in the C:\DATA directory for all five of the databases.
Please note that the import file information routine does
NOT look at this path. C:\DATA\ and C: are also valid paths.

This way you can access your CD from any directory, and even use
the current directory as a default to copy/unzip to.

You can also specify exact directory and file names for each of
the individual databases using switches:


Filenames must either not have an extension, or have the extension

You cannot, however, mix the general and specific paths together.
CD_PRO c:\data /f=c:\data\data\filedata.dat
is not allowed.

File Descriptions:

File descriptions are stored in a 1 line + 5 line format in order to save
space... Since many CD-ROMs contain only 1 line descriptions, it would be
wasteful to take up 6x48 bytes for every file's description when 48 would
do. However, some CDs have PCBoard and 2 line style descriptions. This
program determines if this is the case, and stores the 2nd and following
lines in a special field that is only placed in records when necessary,
saving the extra 240 bytes for each files with only a one-line description.
On the tables of files shown in the program, only the first or first two
lines are shown, and CTRL-D can be used to view the complete record.
All searches check within the entire description, however.

Here's a sample screen of the extended description popped-up over the main
file listing:

42BOOT.ZIP 10210 4/08/92 Package thot MS-DOS
4CASE16.ZIP like case
42BOOT.ZIP 10210 4/08/92 lternate Op. S
Package that allows you to dual boot MS-DOS lternate Op. S
4DESC307.ZIP or DR-DOS easily using 4DOS' aliasing and INI ber for
(autoexecpath) capabilities to enhance / lternate Op. S
4EDIT110.ZIP simplify booting up either operating system; creating &
original config/autoexec are no longer used, lternate Op. S
4LASER.ZIP so install programs which mangle... etc. or sending
lternate Op. S
4LOGIC10.ZIP MY CD-ROM 7 featuring
001A lternate Op. S
4MICA25A.ZIP Alternate Op. Systems ll for
lternate Op. S
4PHONE.ZIP Press Any Key to Return to Table along with
lternate Op. S

ENTER to Change/View ESC to Exit CTRL-D Extended Description
CTRL-S Search for Phrase INSERT to Add CTRL-X Execute Cmd
CTRL-N Find Next Occurance DELETE to Delete CTRL-V View File

Text File Viewing:

CD-ROM PRO File Manager contains an internal file viewer, with Search
and Line Jump Functions. However, if you have another text file
viewer you prefer, you can specify it in the Configuration menu.
To return to using the internal viewer, specify INTERNAL or leave
the TEXT VIEWER line blank. Please note that the internal file viewer
tries to load the file into memory - if you are viewing files over
140K in size, it is recommended that you use an external viewer, such
as LIST. Please note that only the file you are highlighting when you
press CTRL-V will be viewed (and the files it contains, if it is
archived) - tagged files are only used when executing DOS commands
with the CTRL-X key (see below).

Executing Commands:

You have the option to execute a DOS command from within the program in a
number of places by pressing CTRL-X. When you do, you'll be presented with
the following screen:

EXECUTE COMMAND (up to 130 characters):

Pressing CTRL-END clears to the end of the line
Pressing ESC exits without executing command
Pressing ENTER accepts and executes the command

^ Indicates "Next command" (Divides multiple commands)
-> Indicates "Change to this directory before executing command"
%TAG Indicates execute command for all tagged files
%FN Indicates execute command on c:\001A\42BOOT.ZIP

...and you can alter the command (between the symbols and )
however you wish, and then press ENTER to shell out to DOS and
execute it. The default command is the one you specified in the
Configuration screen, followed by the last path and file name
referenced, unless you have tagged files, in which case the file
name is replaced by %TAG.

In some areas, CTRL-C and CTRL-Z are also available. You are still
presented with a default command, but CTRL-C will always begin with
COPY instead of your default command, and CTRL-Z will begin with
PKZIP instead of your default command. In addition, the default
target directory you specified within Configuration will be appended
to the end, following a "->". This way, you can copy, or even unzip
the chosen file into a selected directory within a minimum of keystrokes.

Tagging notes:

Before calling the command screen, you may select (tag) files using the
SPACE BAR. F10 will clear all tags. When entering commands, put
%TAG where you would normally put the file path and file name. When
the command is executed, the program will execute your command once
for each tagged file, replacing the %TAG with the file path and name.

Below shows the results of pressing SPACE on INSTRUCT.ZIP and INSTRUC3.ZIP.
The symbol shows that the file is tagged.

INSTRUCT.ZIP 64234 01/01/93 Instructions for using this CD-ROM.
INSTRUC2.ZIP 141434 01/01/93 Instructions for getting more CDs from us.
INSTRUC3.ZIP 25234 01/01/93 Advanced info for using this CD-ROM.

CTRL-X is pressed, and the following is entered:

The two tagged files are then copied into the \TEMP directory. Tags
are cleared as the command is executed. If you have set "Prompt for
CD change when executing commands on tagged files" (in CONFIGURATION)
to "Y", you will be prompted before the first command is executed on
each tagged file if the CD that the file is on is different than the
last one accessed. At this prompt, you may choose to CANCEL by pressing
the ESCAPE key. All remaining tagged files will REMAIN tagged, if you
do this.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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