Dec 142017
A very accurate weather predicter. Includes Basic source.
File WX60.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
A very accurate weather predicter. Includes Basic source.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COMMENTS.DOC 790 390 deflated
WX-DOCS.COM 12648 5513 deflated
WX51.BAS 22756 7439 deflated
WX60.BAS 34797 7067 deflated
WX60.COM 56958 33111 deflated

Download File WX60.ZIP Here

Contents of the COMMENTS.DOC file



Your Name :________________________________
Your Address :________________________________
Phone Number :________________________________

Best Features:

Needs Improvement: (Ideas and suggestions would be helpful as well.)

Comments on accuracy of modules:

What should be added: (Again, any help appreciated.)

Other notes:

Thank you for your comments!

Phil Baughn

The Mailroom RBBS-PC
121 Prosperous Place; Suite 6B
Lexington, KY 40509

Voice: (606)263-2737
Data : (606)293-5119

Compuserve ID #: 76044,1535

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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