Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPTC17SC.ZIP
Filename : TPTCMAC.H

Output of file : TPTCMAC.H contained in archive : TPTC17SC.ZIP

* TPTCMAC.H - Macro Header for use with Turbo Pascal --> C Translator
* (C) 1986 S.H.Smith (rev. 24-Mar-88)


/* define some simple keyword replacements */

#define pred(v) ((v)-1)
#define succ(v) ((v)+1)
#define chr(n) (n)
#define ord(c) (c)
#define lo(v) (v & 0xff)
#define hi(v) (v >> 8)
#define inc(v) ++(v)
#define dec(v) --(v)

#define maxint 0x7fff
#define integer int
#define word unsigned
#define longint long
#define byte char
#define real double
#define boolean int
typedef void *pointer;

#define false 0
#define true 1
#define nil NULL

#define delete(s,p,num) strcpy(s+p-1,s+p+num)
#define val(s,res,code) code=0, res=atof(s)

typedef char *charptr;
#define STRSIZ 255 /* default string length */

#define paramstr(n) (argv[n])
#define paramcount (argc-1)

* file access support

char _CURNAME[64];
int ioresult = 0;

typedef FILE *text;
#define kbd stdin
#define input stdin
#define con stdout
#define output stdout

#define assign(fd,name) strcpy(_CURNAME,name)

void reset(text *fd)
*fd = fopen(_CURNAME,"r");
ioresult = (*fd == NULL);

void rewrite(text *fd)
*fd = fopen(_CURNAME,"w");
ioresult = (*fd == NULL);

void append(text *fd)
*fd = fopen(_CURNAME,"a");
ioresult = (*fd == NULL);

* setrec setof(a,b,...,-1)
* construct and return a set of the specified character values
* inset(ex,setrec)
* predicate returns true if expression ex is a member of
* the set parameter
#define __ -2 /* thru .. */
#define _E -1 /* end of set marker */

typedef struct {
char setstub[16];
} setrec;

* copy len bytes from the dynamic string dstr starting at position from
charptr copy(charptr str,
int from,
int len)
static char buf[STRSIZ];
if (from>strlen(str)) /* copy past end gives null string */
return buf;

strcpy(buf,str+from-1); /* skip over first part of string */
buf[len] = 0; /* truncate after len characters */
return buf;

* String/character concatenation function
* This function takes a sprintf-like control string, a variable number of
* parameters, and returns a pointer a static location where the processed
* string is to be stored.

charptr scat(charptr control, ...)
static char buf[STRSIZ];
char buf2[STRSIZ];
va_list args;

va_start(args, control); /* get variable arg pointer */
vsprintf(buf2,control,args); /* format into buf with variable args */
va_end(args); /* finish the arglist */

return buf; /* return a pointer to the string */

#define ctos(ch) scat("%c",ch) /* character to string conversion */

* string build - like scat, sprintf, but will not over-write any
* input parameters

void sbld(charptr dest,
charptr control, ...)
char buf[STRSIZ];
va_list args;

va_start(args, control); /* get variable arg pointer */
vsprintf(buf,control,args); /* format into buf with variable args */
va_end(args); /* finish the arglist */

strcpy(dest,buf); /* copy result */

* spos(str1,str2) - returns index of first occurence of str1 within str2;
* 1=first char of str2
* 0=nomatch

int spos(charptr str1,
charptr str2)
charptr res;
res = strstr(str2,str1);
if (res == NULL)
return 0;
return res - str2 + 1;

* cpos(str1,str2) - returns index of first occurence of c within str2;
* 1=first char of str2
* 0=nomatch

int cpos(char c,
charptr str2)
charptr res;
res = strchr(str2,c);
if (res == NULL)
return 0;
return res - str2 + 1;

* Scanf/Fscanf support
* These functions operate like scanf and fscanf except for an added control
* code used for full-line reads.

int fscanv(text fd,
charptr control, ...)
va_list args;
charptr arg1;
int i;

va_start(args, control); /* get variable arg pointer */

/* process special case for full-line reads (why doesn't scanf allow
full-line string reads? why don't gets and fgets work the same?) */
if (*control == '#') {
arg1 = va_arg(args,charptr);
arg1[strlen(arg1)-1] = 0;
return 1;

/* pass the request on to fscanf */
i = vfscanf(fd,control,args); /* scan with variable args */
va_end(args); /* finish the arglist */

return i; /* return a pointer to the string */

#undef atoi /* in case of user ident clash */
#undef getchar

* rename some tp4 calls that conflict with tc1.0 functions

#define intr Pintr
#define getdate Pgetdate
#define gettime Pgettime
#define setdate Psetdate
#define settime Psettime
#define keep Pkeep

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPTC17SC.ZIP
Filename : TPTCMAC.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: